English Answers

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Read the given scenarios below and indicate whether in each scenario the

teacher acted in a professional manner or not? Give three reasons for each

scenario to support your stance. (44)

Your response should be at most 500 words.

Scenario 2

Energy is a hyperactive learner in Mr Tiba classroom. Energy sometimes causes

distractions in her classroom. Mr Tiba was giving the class instructions for writing an

assignment that was to be handed over the following day. As usual Energy was not

paying attention and thus missed the instructions. She was busy humming and

tapping her pen on the desk. She requested for the instructions to be repeated. The

other learners in the class made fun of Energy and ridiculed her for not paying

attention once again. Mr Tiba, feeling frustrated because he was asked to repeat the

instructions once again, continued passing the materials and instructed Energy to

get out of his classroom.

Read the given scenarios below and indicate whether in each scenario the

teacher acted in a professional manner or not? Give three reasons for each

scenario to support your stance. (44)

Your response should be at most 500 words.


Ms Cheater is a grade 6 mathematics teacher in her local primary school. She has

been teaching at this school for 20 years. Recently the mathematics curriculum

advisor introduced the common tests for all the grade 6 learners in the schools in Ms

Cheater’s circuit. Therefore, schools were given the same workplans for each term.

At the end of the term the common test was sent to schools to be administers by the

teachers. Ms Cheater discovered that she did not cover most of the questions in the

common test. Instead of administering the common test, she developed her own test

for her learners.

Briefly discuss 5 stages of listening


Read carefully Unit X and Chapter 17 of your prescribed text: How to Analyse Texts. In these

sections, you will learn more about how the concept of morphology can be applied in everyday

life activities.

In Chapter 17, the writers show how the effectiveness of advertisements can be created through

the use of morphological processes of word formation.

Following the examples given in your study material, find your own advertisement and conduct

a morphological analysis of the advertisement you have chosen. The advertisement can have

pictures/illustration or it could be just text only.

Explain clearly the morphological processes you have identified in the advertisement.

Your analysis must show how the advertisement has used at least 2 morphological processes

to create meaning. Submit the advert you have analysed as part of the assignment.

which of the following is/are produced by a child who is entering the stage of realism

brainstorm and come up with a list of common filipino values. consider the strengths and weaknesses of these

Your barangay initiated t a painting contest about local flowers. All the

paintings will be displayed in the “Arts Gallery”. The winners will receive cash price

to be donated to the unfortunate people outside your barangay. Imagine yourself as

one of the contestants, write three statements on how you can influence other

talented youth to join in the contest.




As a grade 8 EMS teacher, you have decided to use a poster as a teaching media to

deliver a lesson on Entrepreneurship. On an A4 page, create a catchy and informative

poster for your grade 8 learners on the topic of entrepreneurship.

Read carefully Unit X and Chapter 17 of your prescribed text: How to Analyse Texts. In these sections, you will learn more about how the concept of morphology can be applied in everyday life activities. In Chapter 17, the writers show how the effectiveness of advertisements can be created through the use of morphological processes of word formation. Following the examples given in your study material, find your own advertisement and conduct a morphological analysis of the advertisement you have chosen. The advertisement can have pictures/illustration or it could be just text only. Explain clearly the morphological processes you have identified in the advertisement. Your analysis must show how the advertisement has used at least 2 morphological processes to create meaning. Submit the advert you have analysed as part of the assignment.

Compile a legal framework on school grounds and facilities to assist school managers and governing bodies in managing school safety

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