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What kind of theory of meaning is best suited to the linguistic facts?

what point draws attention to the current problem

advertisement of morphological process of word formation

Read the three culturally diverse stories which have been selected as suitable for

learners in your classroom and answer the question set. You can access the story

via the links provided below.

Stories and links

1. Prince Sugar and Awande, the baker, by Ayanda Hlatshwayo



2. Temo and the plant thieves, by Kgosi Kgosi


3. A little bit, by Wendy Hartmann


Evaluate the suitability of these stories for your multilingual classroom context and

discuss how they portray cultural representations of the community within which the

story is set. Ensure that your assessments, evaluations, and discussions are

supported by textual and visual justification. This answer should be around 2-3

pages in length

Providing quotes from the below excerpt examine how elements such as plot,

characterization, and setting help to shape the storyline. This question should be

around 3 pages in length.

Develop a policy on inclusive education for grade R classroom in your school

Read the given scenarios below and indicate whether in each scenario the

teacher acted in a professional manner or not? Give three reasons for each

scenario to support your stance. (44)

Your response should be at most 500 words.

Scenario 4

Kgotlelelo is a sad grade 9 learner. A Facebook group called “We hate Kgotlelelo”

was created. His teacher Mr Dontcare is aware of this group. Some of Kgotlelelo’s

fellow learners had joined the group and posted negative comments about

Kgotlelelo. A week later Mr Dontcare noticed other pictures appearing online in

which kgotlolelo’s face was digitally added onto other inappropriate images.

Text B: south africans used to laugh about it- but now eskom is just exasperating

Text C: Eskom has gone global: south africans sneer, as Texas hit by load shedding

write an essay of 1000-1200 words inwhich you compare Text B and Text C and discuss similarities and differences in their purpose, diction, and style

An advertisement which has two morphological processes on it

Use the International Phonetic Alphabet to write out the words and show the syllable division as in the following example. ‘Metabolism is a five syllable word written phonemically as [mɪ/ˈta/bə/lɪ/z(ə)m’]

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