Today, there are no indicators with which it is possible to estimate the power of intelligence organizations of various countries quite accurately. The main reason is the secrecy of information about ongoing operations. All the materials in which one can find references to the prevalence of one organization over another are likely to be journalistic articles, not scientific or analytical reports. Most often, these articles are created for the purpose of directed misinformation or intimidation [1-2].
But nevertheless, there is some truth in such materials. Pakistani ISI is among the ten most powerful intelligence services in the world, along with the CIA (USA), FSB (Russia), MSS (China), RAW (India), MI6 (UK), and Mossad (Israel), DGSE (France), BND (Germany), ASIS (Australia) and so on.
Nevertheless, it is possible to give reasons that confirm that the ISI is one of the strongest intelligence organizations in the world [3]. They are:
- ISI is highly professional (as in skillful and experienced) organization, bound by patriotism and operate under an incorruptible chain of executors
- ISI is target oriented, and especially unprincipled when threatened or achieving objectives
- This organization is impervious to foreign espionage
- ISI has a favorable majority that supports them in the country
- ISI have geographical superiority in the region against neighboring countries such as Iran, India, and Afghanistan
- ISI has the largest number of operatives and 3rd generation agents present in strategic locations around the world
- ISI hold a deciding role in the country’s internal and external affairs
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