Explanation of learning practice in relation to physical setting, student, curriculum and resource, teacher, behaviour learning and teaching.
The physical setting
The classroom is a place where social actors interact with each other towards the common objective of giving and receiving knowledge. For it to be well transmitted, classroom practices must be inclusive, to ensure every pupil feels valued and supported in their learning process. In addition, classroom practices include classroom management which is the set of procedures, strategies, and instructional methods that teachers use to create a classroom environment which promotes learning. Classroom management is essential to create a safe and well-ordered environment to teach and learn while promoting quality education and inclusiveness.
Students directly inform the structure and learning atmosphere as members of the classroom community. Together, they create a culture of learning, accountability and inclusivity
An effective learning environment thrives on strong teacher instruction. Teachers are ultimately responsible for classroom management. Effective teaching practices are evidence-based teaching strategies implemented with fidelity and informed through data to produce positive, sustained results in every student.
Curriculum and resource
The role of resources is to provide a source of learning experience for our learners, assisting the process of interaction between students and teachers during the teaching/learning process. At the same time, they help students to learn and increase their experience, meeting different learning needs. A good curriculum also connects teachers from across grade levels and subject areas to look at the big picture of student learning. Teachers can work together to plan a progression of topics that build off of ones that came before and connect across disciplines.
Behaviour learning and teaching
The role of behaviour in relation to learning is that behaviour provides a measurable and observable means to study learning. Teachers use behaviourism to show students how they should react and respond to certain stimuli. This needs to be done in a repetitive way, to regularly remind students what behaviour a teacher is looking for. Positive reinforcement is key in the behavioural learning theory.
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