Lombardo (2009) puts forward the view that the significant rise in the earth’s temperature
over the past century is the product of increased levels of atmospheric CO2 caused by
greater use of fossil fuels. Steps should be taken to reduce future warming by restricting the output of
greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. Wong (2011) presents a range of
counterarguments. She mentions evidence of historical climate change that cannot have
been caused by rising levels of CO2, and also discusses the difficulty of obtaining reliable
data on temperature changes, solar activity may affect the amount of cloud cover and hence temperature levels. Source: Bailey, S. (2015). Academic Writing: A Handbook for International Students. London and New York: Routledge, p. 63
2.1Which functional speech variety is used in the above text?
2.2Give a justification for the answer you indicated in 2.1 above by citing two words or
2.3Provide the Standard English form of the words/phrases you mentioned in 2.2.
2.1 Statement, form, and offer.
2.2 The first sentence is just a complete statement.
2.3 Example is the statement , "She mentions evidence of historical climate change that cannot have been caused by rising levels of CO2, and also discusses the difficulty of obtaining reliable
data on temperature changes, solar activity may affect the amount of cloud cover and hence temperature levels. Source: Bailey, S. (2015)."
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