According to Angelopulo and Barker (2013) effective organisation communication is not directed at individual's but rather teams or group and that communication enjoys priority within organisation decision making.Therefore ,it is worth looking at a role of communication in the decision - making progress of groups and teams.
1.Define the terms 'group' and teams' within the context of organisational communication
2. Discuss group communication with specific reference to formal and informal groups and the advantages of the group.
3. Describe what team communication entails.
4. Define the term " decision making' and discus the types of decision in organisation
5. Identify and discuss decision- making styles that can be implemented du see during the decision making process and list two disadvantages of group decision making.
i. Directive - The directive decision-making style uses quick, decisive thinking to come to a solution. A directive decision-maker has a low tolerance for unclear or ambiguous ideas.
ii. Analytical - Analytical decision-makers carefully analyze data to come up with a solution. They are careful and adaptable thinkers. They will invest time to glean information to form a conclusion. These decision-makers are task-oriented, but have a high tolerance for ambiguity.
iii. Conceptual - Those who make decisions with a conceptual style are big picture thinkers who are willing to take risks. They evaluate different options and possibilities with a high tolerance to ambiguity. They are social-oriented and take time to consider big ideas and creative solutions.
iv. Behavioral - A behavioral style of decision-making focuses on relationships more than the task. It evaluates the feelings of others as part of their decision-making process. Behavior decision-makers have a low tolerance for ambiguity and a social focus as they evaluate solutions.
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