Discuss three different critical reading techniques
Critical reading is whereby a reader engages deeper with a text to capture and understand every detail.This means after reading you are able to reflect , explain what the context was all about and the intention of the writter. It involves analyzing, interpreting and evaluating a text. Asking questions is one of the critical reading techniques wherebu you take the subtitle of a section and phrase it as a question so as to apply the context given as an answer for proper understanding.
Reading actively is another way where you engage deeper with the text given so that you can get the answer of the phrased question. This means that you dont passively slide your eyes over the words but you read to understand deeper every detail of the context.
The reader should also record the key concepts using their own words according to how they have understood the context. The recording exists in a summary form since for one to note down the key points for easy reading.It is important to keenly read the material first and understand well before noting down.Lastly, a reader should review the summary for accuracy
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