How marginalisation of African values has resulted in the westernisation of education in Africa
Under the strong impact of westernisation, not only the entire world, but also Africans themselves have began to believe and accept the fact that nearly everything, which depicts the African label is considered as inferior. Some aspects in which marginalisation of African values has led to the westernisation of education in Africa entails the following. First is the language of the people that has been torpedoed by this process. For instance, in Kenya, English is the medium of teaching in nearly all levels of education. The situation is further compounded by making the language mandatory in school and those found speaking mother tongue are punished. This erosion of African values has made some pupils have difficulties in speaking their respective mother tongue fluently. Western education has also subverted moral values of Africans. The focus on paper
qualification encouraged insincerity and cheating in the school system and even in society. Moreover, a
certificate is apparently seen a means to an end. African values like honesty, loyalty, humility, hard work, respect, and truth have been eroded by the influence of the western education. These virtues which are critical components of the African society are slowly being considered as uncivilized. Explicitly, materialism has replaced hard work and honour. Respect for traditional African
institutions has also disappeared. People are no longer fair to one another. There is a collapse of social
discipline under the pretext of civilization. The capitalist trend of western education has infiltrated the cooperative and communal spirit of individuals to the levels that parents complaint that they can no longer ask
their children to perform any task to them without the youngsters asking for remuneration.
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