examine the ideal of kingship in relation to the representation of Dhritrashtra and Yudhisthira in the prescribed sections of The Mahabharat.
The ideal of kingship can be depicted in the representation of Dhritrashtra and Yudhisthira in the prescribed sections of The Mahabharat. Dhitrashtra was not the people's choice of king, but was crowned as there was no other choice owing to the eldest son hierarchy. He became heir to the throne by force as he was the prince. He avenges those who do not support his throne and was greedy of expansion. Yudhisthira was chosen and followed by the people for his leadership qualities. Yudhisthira doesn't allow people to accompany him despite their wishes as he does not wish to express disrespect to elders or put people's lives in danger . He did not like war and supported peace, in addition to being friendly and concerned for the welfare of the people.
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