How strong is the evidence for global warming?
Lombardo (2009)puts forward the view that the significant rise in the earth temperature over the past century is the product of increased levels of atmospheric CO2 caused by greater use of fossils fuels.He maintains that this position is now generally agreed,and that steps should be taken to reduce future warming by restricting the output of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide.
2.1) which functional speech variety is used in the above text?
2.2) give a justification for the answer you indicated in 2.1 above by citing two words or phrases ?
2.3) provide the standard English form of the words/ phrase you mentioned in 2.2?
2.4) write a summary of the above text in standard english.your summary should not be more than 100 words
2.1 Jargon
2.2 a) significant rise
b) product of increased
2.3 a) significant rise in standard English should be a large increase
b) product of increased should be a result of greater
2.4 Increase in global temperature over the previous century is due to rising Carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere caused by massive fossil fuel usage. Massive support and that effort should be undertaken to limit future warming by regulating emissions of greenhouse gases such like carbon dioxide.
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