Instructions: Read and annotate the following excerpts from “In Pursuit of Unhappiness” by Darrin McMahon, originally published in the New York Times, December 29, 2005.
(4) Carlyle's arithmetic was essentially sound, for changes in both religious and secular culture since the 17th century made "happiness," in the form of pleasure or good feeling, not only morally acceptable but commendable in and of itself. While many discounted religious notions that consigned life in this world to misery and sin, others discovered signs of God's providence in earthly satisfaction. The result was at once to weaken and transpose the ideal of heavenly felicity, in effect bringing it to earth. Suffering was not our natural state. Happy was the way we were meant to be.
Yes, there is no person who would wish to suffer in the entire of his or her life. in the event that suffering comes along the way, it only ought to be for some few moments.
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