Read the extract from The Penultimate Peril by Lemony Snicket and answer the questions that follow.
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3.1)The above extract illustrates a number of stylistic choices made by the author. After defining literary style, list the six elements of style and apply them to the extract, identifying and explaining examples which appear in the text. (12)
3.2 You decide to use this text in your FAL class. Based on your stylistic analysis above, state for which ages and grade/s this book would be appropriate and substantiate your answer with proof from the extract. (4)
3.3 The text above is a good example of postmodern children’s literature. Explain why this is so. (4)
3.2 Point of view, symbolism, tone, imagery, diction, and voice.
3.3 Postmodernism is frequently identified as a philosophical reaction to modernism, with prefixes such as non-, de-, or multi- altering modernism's adjectives. Postmodernism is nonlinear and nonhierarchical, whereas modernism is linear and hierarchical in its thought. If contemporary literature is concentrated on the author's meaning, postmodern literature is marked by the author's decentering, which opens the text and elevates the reader. Postmodernism is a multicultural tale with numerous perspectives, whereas modernism is a story of one culture and one perspective.
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