Two media sources that will be used are video news in this case CNN and an online newspaper which will be the New York Times. Both CNN and the New York Times have a different yet common perspective when it comes to the COVID situation. To begin with, both sources have similarities. CNN states that There have been 8,679 deaths overall in the state of California. In addition, in the New York Times, they say that there have been 8,716 deaths overall in California. Now, these numbers are not exact but they are very close. When it comes to getting their numbers right for each state they haven’t gotten the exact number but they are very close. This goes to show that both sources have alike information. If they were to be off by a large number, one source would be showing wrong information to its viewer and readers. Another similarity that CNN and the New York Times have is showing what people can do to keep themselves safe during this troubling time. Both sources talk about keeping a distance from others such as 6 feet away from people when walking out of your home. Washing your hands with soap for about twenty seconds and drying your hands with a clean towel. Lastly, to avoid touching your face so that nothing spreads to your mouth, nose, or eyes wearing a mask whenever you go outside. Both CNN and the New York Times explain that it is very common now to have the virus especially depending in the state and in the city you live in. They also both expressed how dangerous it can be in being around so many people due to the fact that some people within the group you are in may have the virus.
In conclusion, the two media sources both contained similarities along with many differences. CNN is more of video news, they show more of a ten to fifteen minute clip and talk about cases of COVID and how people can deal with it. Meanwhile, the New York Times has more of an article for people to read and keep themselves informed. CNN and the New York Times were very clear when it came to talking about the virus and what we could do you protect ourselves and be safe.
The New York Times. “Coronavirus in the U.S.: Latest Map and Case Count.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 3 Mar. 2020,
“Tracking Covid-19 Cases in the US.” CNN, Cable News Network,
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