. Evaluate the level of implementation of your school in earthquake drills.
Our school has implemented the drop, cover, and hold-on technique as an essential practice in school to ensure that all hazards are covered and that, in the event of a disaster, it will be simple to maintain control and care. As a result, get down on your hands and knees where you are. This stance keeps you from being knocked down and allows you to stay low and crawl to a nearby shelter if one is available. One arm and hand should be used to shield your head and neck., If you can find a sturdy table or desk nearby, crawl underneath it for protection. If you don't have access to a shelter, crawl against an interior wall (away from windows). To safeguard crucial organs, stay on your knees and bend over. Undercover, hold on with one hand until the shaking stops; be ready to move with your shelter if it shifts. If there is no shelter available, grab your head and neck with both arms and hands.
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