Lord of the Flies Study Guide Questions
Chapter 1
Imagery: Reread the description of the Jack when he is first introduced. Discuss Golding’s use of color and imagery and what it might foreshadow. What rhetorical device does Golding use on page 15 in his description of light and breezes?
1) jack is evil looking
2)Golding describes the choir leader in dark, severe terms. He says the boy is skeleton-like, tall, thin, bony, crumpled, and ugly. Golding tops off the description with red hair, a black, flowing cape, and a disposition given to anger. The red and black colors are used to represent evil. The description summons images of a devil, and probably foreshadows the boy’s malevolent character.
3)Golding uses personification. The breezes “crept,” and the palm fronds moved by the breeze seemed “to whisper” while the light “slid over their bodies or moved like bright, winged things in the shade.
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