Directions: Read and analyze the story, "Green Sanctuary" by Antonio Enriquez. Answer the question provided below.
1. The excerpt immediately provides some bits of the town's colonial history, as the townsfolk know it What were those details and how did the how did the Pikit natives perceive the foreign invaders?
2. How were the Moro inhabitants of Pikit and its surrounding locales characterized in this excerpt? What does this passage suggest in relation to some of its inhabitants: "Not so long ago the commer cial bus never stopped in Pikit... Instead, it disgorged its passengers at the nearest small village, and they had to walk about two kilometers to the town proper carrying their baggage on their backs"?
3. If allowed to make some conjectures, how do you think this dynamic has affected Pikit? Speculate on
the condition of the following in the aspects of Pikit life considering the circumstances of the excerpt:
Peace and order
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