importance of food security in the following aspects:
1. Politics and Governance
2. Social stability and Health
3. International/foreign economic relations
1. Removing socio-political obstacles and enhancing food security improves the government's responsiveness to its citizens which increases the government's legitimacy and stability and strengthens the social contract between local stakeholders and their government.
2. Food security is critical to ensuring the health and productivity of the world's people, to maintaining the economic viability and political stability of communities around the world, and to fulfilling a fundamental human rights principle that the guarantee of sufficient amounts of nutritious food can maximize their health and well-being.
3. Food security not only carries significant benefits for human health, but also serves as the basis to achieve sustained economic growth. Access to quality, nutritious food is fundamental to human existence. Secure access to food can produce wide ranging positive impacts, including: Economic growth and job creation, and Poverty reduction.
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