D. Directions: Encircle the better version then suggest a tip in writing correct formal sentence definition.
11. A pump is a machine or device that pumps gas or liquid to a new level or position.
A pump is a machine or device that raises or moves gas or liquid to a new level position.
12. Rugby is a sport that involves 13 to 15 players on each side who try to send a ball across the opponent’s goal line during 40- minute halves.
Rugby is a sport that involves rough contact among players as they try to send a ball across the opponent’s goal lines.
13A tongue depressor is what medical personnel use to hold down a patient’s tongue during a throat examination.
A tongue depressor is a flat, thin, wooden stick used by medical personnel to hold down a patient’s tongue during a throat examination.
11. A pump elevates or transfers gas or fluid to a higher or lower level.
12. Rugby consists of 13 to 15 players on each team who attempt to breach the adversary's scoreline with a ball.
13. Healthcare workers use a tongue depressor to keep a patient's tongue downward during a throat check.
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