Read the following statement and answer the question that follows :
The Constitution court decided that the definition of marriage in the Marriage Act 25 of 1961 was unconstitutional on the grounds of the right to equality and the right to human dignity . It thefore held that a permanent cohabitation relationship had to be included in the definition of marriage .
In which case was this decided ?
1 S v Makwanyane and other (CCT 3/94) 1995 (3) SA 391 (CC)
2 Fraser v Children's Court , Pretoria North and Other 1997(2) SA 261 (CC)
3.Minister of Home Affairs and another v Fourie and Another ( CCT 60 /04 ) [2005 ]ZACC19
4 Richter v minister of home Affairs and Others ( CCT03 /09,CCT 09/09) [2009] ZACC3
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