Discuss how writers use different strategies to stimulate imagination of young readers.
Article writing is an important part of anyone's life. Children, particularly those of school age, should have their work assessed not only for assessments but also for their daily lives outside of the classroom. Writers and authors must employ various stylistic strategies in order to grab students' imaginations. To assist pupils understand more clearly, authors use the following stylistic features:
1) Exaggeration and understatement - This technique emphasizes the significance of a minor event while downplaying the significance of a significant event. E.B. White's "Charlotte's Web" is an example of a children's book that incorporates a number of stylistic clichés. White.
2)Humanization – The process of imparting human characteristics to non-living entities or beings. In Lois Lowry's historical novel "The Giver," this method is employed.
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