Self-reflective Essay
Understanding the application and writing of English is one of the areas in the module that helped me. Although I speak and know the English language, from a theoretical point of view, I am now equipped with proper semantics and styles for both written and spoken English. I can now use English semantics confidently, I also understand how to apply them and when. The module helped me in polishing my selection of words in conversation and writing.
Literature is another area where I benefited from this module. Since literature tells a story of an even, it was vital for me to understand how to use English to develop good stories. My creativity and choice of scenes, and the environment in my literature have greatly improved; how to initialize, bring the audience up to the level of understanding the story background and ensure that they understand the subject matter.
I have learned how to do independent research. Through the skills learned in this module, I can now do academic research on a given topic. In this module, most research was done independently. Now I understand how to come up with a proposal topic. Outlining the proposed topic is now a skill that I have. Additionally, coming up with academic resources for my topic is now possible. The module helped me understand how to compile the research and write a formal report.
The module was an eye-opener on how culture is necessary for literature. Coming up with literature, one needs to understand the audience's background and choose the right words for the audience to understand. The use of visuals was also necessary to improve my literature. I learned that I could obtain literature from different sources that include library books, online sources, and videos. This will be applicable in further improving my written English work in the future.
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