The function of gatekeeper is one of the main functions of the mass communicator.
Which one of the following factors may not act as a constraint to the gatekeeper?
(1) Advertisers who pay for what they want to be covered. (2) What the editor or producer considers to be worthwhile. (3) What the government may do to them. (4) The constitutional right concerning the freedom of the press. (5) Whether there is enough time and space to cover an aspect.
Q19 A study investigating how the media is used as a source of information among rural people found that rural people rely more heavily on their “educated” neighbours for information, than on television and newspapers.
The ………. theory explains the above results.
(1) agenda-setting (2) cultural transmission (3) spiral of silence (4) uses and gratifications (5) two-step-flow
18) (2) What the editor or producer considers to be worthwhile.
(5) Whether there is enough time and space to cover an aspect.
19) (5) two-step-flow
The two-step-flow theory explains the above results.
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