provide an example of a reading activity where you apply transactionalism in the classroom to:
2.3.1 enforce the readers authority
2.32 encourage learners to ask questions
2.3.1 Teachers who teach reading are doing more than teaching decoding skills. They must also teach comprehension of the text. The transactional theory of reading was developed by Louise Michelle Rosenblatt. According to Rosenblatt, the reader and the text transact with one another, each affecting the other. The meaning of the text changes depending on the reader's background knowledge and personal reflections. The transactional theory can be used in reading instruction to deepen comprehension of a text by asking readers to make connections, make predictions and visualize meaning. Involve emergent readers with the text by having students make predictions about the text. Students can make predictions based on the title of the text, any pictures associated with the text or based on what they have read so far. Ask students why they have made the predictions they did, and discuss several different ideas with the whole class.
2.3.2 Remind students to use comprehension strategies as they read and to monitor their understanding.
Students, with some help from the teacher, may:
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