Word Essay 1500 words.
1. Readers and Reading
Explain how you as a reader was able to construct meaning from a text with reference from “where we once belonged” analysing in detail examples from the text. It is important that the essay taken in form of a formal essay ( introduction, an argument,and a conclusion).
Reading is comprehending, that is, the construction of meaning. Readers construct meaning by interacting with the text on the basis of their prior knowledge about the world. Readers understand what they read only as it relates to what they already know. Their existing knowledge about a particular topic influences the extent to which they understand what they read about that topic.
The meaning constructed from the same text can vary greatly among people because of the differences in the knowledge they posses. Sometimes people do not have enough knowledge to understand a text or they may have knowledge that they do not use fully. The novel ' Where We Once Belonged' by Sia Figiel explores a variety of narrative threads especially the domestic violence. Alofa is subjected to frequent beatings for a variety of things she has ostensibly done wrong. Not only is this a regular part of her childhood, but it is apparently an expectation of an involved parent. At one point, Alofa's mother demands that her father shows his authority over his daughter by beating her. This request makes sense given that Alofa's mother is herself often beaten by her husband.
The more students read and write, the more their prior knowledge grows which in turn, strengthens their ability to construct meaning as they read. Both text-specific and topic-specific prior knowledge play an important role in helping students construct meanings.
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