‘A curriculum needs to accommodate students’ diversity’ This quotation is taken from page 83 of ENG2611 Tutorial Letter 501. 1.1 Explain what you think the author means by this statement? (3 marks) 1.2 Use your own words to explain the differences between the terms ‘diversity’ and ‘multiculturalism?’ Give relevant examples to support your answer. (4 marks) 1.3 What constitutes a diverse classroom? In not more than 100 words, discuss any three features of your choice. (6 marks)
A curriculum needs to accommodate students’ diversity’
The author means that curriculum need to consider diversity among learners. It must recognizes the differences aspects that learners possess, including, religion, political orientation, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, race, ethnicity, language, socio-economic status, and family structure. This consideration is essential as enhances creativity. It encourages the search for novel information and perspectives, leading to better decision making and problem solving. Diversity also improves the bottom line of companies and lead to unfettered discoveries and breakthrough innovations.
The differences between the terms ‘diversity’ and ‘multiculturalism
Diversity exists in spite of, and sometimes because of, the action we take while multiculturalism is an evolving process. It is qualitative. It is the shift that occurs when we stop defining everyone by one cultural norm and move to an understanding of multiple norms
What constitutes diversity is everything that makes people different from each other. This includes many different factors: race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, ability, age, religious belief, or political conviction.
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