Summary of roses in december m c chagla
“Roses in December” is a 1973 autobiography by Mohammadali Currim Chagla, a well-known high court judge, Chief Justice and cabinet minister among many other titles. The biography encompasses a detailed narrative of his personal life including his early childhood and education, his encounter with various freedom fighters, the death of his wife and how it caused him so much grief and loneliness, his eventful career and particularly, his role as a minister in India’s government and as a judge. In the last chapter, he also includes collections of his general reflections on life. In an Epilogue, he passionately criticizes the controversial 1975 to 1977 Indian Emergency and discusses how it led to darker days in India. Chagla also vehemently opposes the 24th and 25th Amendment and Jinnah and Pakistan. Even with over twenty years’ experience as a judge, Chagla believed no man is entitled to sit in judgment on others. The biography not only entails issues and imperatives but also key personalities such as Mr. Gokhale, Mohammad Ali Jinnah and Jawaharlal Nehru. Chagla wrote the autobiography with the help of his son Iqbal.
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