Provide practical examples to demonstrate how you will apply the following principles of assessment in the classroom: (a) Validity (b) Reliability (c) Efficient (d) Authentic (e)Accountable
Valid: I will use assessment that relevant to the standard set according to curriculum covered. The assessment will seek to evaluate knowledge, skills and attributes of the learners.
Reliability: Assessment given to the learners will have the capability to produce same results when judged by a different teacher. In this, result consistency must be maintained
Efficient: The assessment will seek to assess learners by spreading the evaluation on the concepts covered in the curriculum.
Authentic: I will create an assessment that is attributable to the learners, and one that matches the content they covered in class
Accountable: The assessment should attribute teacher’s accountability to learner’s comprehension of concepts
1.Identify any five internal role players who are responsible for rehabilitation of offenders in corrections 2.Briefly discuss the roles and responsibilities of these role players in the rehabilitation of offenders
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