Watch the attached VICE episode "Raised in the System." When you're finished write a ONE paragraph or two response/reflection on the video.
please help me out
Consider the following questions in your response:
1. What stood out to you about the incarcerated youths' experiences being locked up? Were their experiences what you would expect? How were they similar or different from what you expected?
2. What stood out to you when the host, Michael K. Williams, goes and talks to the incarcerated adults? Do you see any patterns between the adults and the youth who were incarcerated?
3. What do you think about some of the "alternatives to incarceration" programs that were shown in the video? Do they seem like they would be effective in rehabilitating youths? Are they too "easy" on people who have committed crimes?
4. Who in the video stood out to you the most? What about their experience stood out to you? How did they make you feel?
5. Have we as a society failed these youth who end up in prison? Why or why not? What could we have done differently? What should THEY (the incarcerated youth) have done differently?
Remember, you do NOT have to respond to all of the above questions, they are merely there to help guide your thinking if you are not sure what to write about in your response.
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