Cinflict theory maintains the following:
A. Inequality is inevitable in capitalist society
B. Society is in a constant state of conflit and change.
C. There are no "have" and "have not" in society , all are equal.
D. Sme individuals and groups have more power than others in society .
Choose the correct answer.
1. A,C and D
2. C and D
3. A, B and D
4. A, B and C
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30.07.20, 15:19
Conflict theory is associated with the following: A. A
micro-sociological perspective B. Conservatism C. A macro-sociological
perspective D. Both micro and macro sociological perspective. Choose
the correct answer. 1. C 2. D 3. D and A 4. A
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Conflict theory is associated with the following: A. A micro-sociological perspective B. Conservatism C. A macro-sociological perspective D. Both micro and macro sociological perspective. Choose the correct answer. 1. C 2. D 3. D and A 4. A
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