Which approach would you use to encourage the acquisition of communication skills or competence.
1.the reading approach
2.the grammar translatikn approach
3.the oral aural audio lingual aporoach
4.the communicative approach
Expert's answer
I would use communicative approach to encourage the acquisition of communication skills or competence.
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Assignment Expert
10.04.20, 19:37
Dear Lesego, please post your question separately here
https://www.assignmentexpert.com/homework-answers to get a quick
10.04.20, 18:13
Select the correct option that relates to the following statement:
Pointing out the tittle,beggining,middle and end of a book to
foundation ohase learners before reading the book allow them to
contribute to their reading development primarily by promoting
1.understanding of text directionality 2.development of book handling
skills 3.understanding the concept of the schema 4.development of
literal comprehension strategies
10.04.20, 18:07
which of the following learners is demonstrations the specific type of
phonological awareness known as phonemic awareness 1.a learmer who
after hearing the word man.can orally identify that ends with the
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Dear Lesego, please post your question separately here https://www.assignmentexpert.com/homework-answers to get a quick answer.
Select the correct option that relates to the following statement: Pointing out the tittle,beggining,middle and end of a book to foundation ohase learners before reading the book allow them to contribute to their reading development primarily by promoting 1.understanding of text directionality 2.development of book handling skills 3.understanding the concept of the schema 4.development of literal comprehension strategies
which of the following learners is demonstrations the specific type of phonological awareness known as phonemic awareness 1.a learmer who after hearing the word man.can orally identify that ends with the sound/
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