Design a device to test one's reaction. The device has two inputs, G and R. G is controlled by the operator of the device, and R is controlled by a person under test. The device also has a single output, Z, equal to 0 when the device is not in use. The operator will push and then release G, which will turn a green light ON and OFF. Once the person under test observes the green light ON, he is supposed to push and release R before the green light is turned OFF. The output Z becomes 1 until G is released. If he fails to push and release R before the green light turns OFF, Z will not change.
(a) Draw state transition diagram of a Moore-type machine that describes the behavior of the device. (b) For this input sequence, find out the state and output of the machine in part (a) after each clock edge:
At 1st clock edge, GR = 00; 2nd, GR = 10; 3rd, GR = 11; 4th, GR = 01; 5th, GR = 00; 6th, GR = 10; 7th, GR = 10; 8th, GR = 11; 9th, GR = 10 ;10th, GR = 11; 11th, GR = 10; 12th, GR = 00
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