1. What is next use information? Write an algorithm to determine the livesness and next use info for each statement in a basic block. Apply the same for the following basic block:
T1 = Add(A) – 4
T2 = 4 * i
T3 = T1[T2]
sum = sum +T3
i = i+1
if i<=20 goto 3
2. Write the three address code, identify the leaders and draw the Control Flow Graph for the following code.
prod := 0;
i := 1;
do begin
prod := prod + a[i] * b[i];
i = i+ 1;
while i <= 20
3. Translate the arithmetic expression: a + - (b + c ) in quadruple, triple and indirect triples
4. Construct an LR parsing table for the following grammar.
S xAy | xBy | xAz
A qS | q
B q
Please forward me these question answer's ASAP. I need this answers by tomorrow.
Please could you do that ?
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