Write a function Boolean isValidPassword (String password)
A Password is valid if it satisfies following conditions:
1. Length of the password must be more than 10(without counting spaces).
2. Password must contain at least one capital and one small alphabet
3. Password must contain at least 2 digits and if it does not have 2
digits then see next condition.
4. Password must contain at least one special character from the given set- {$, @, _, -,., /}
For Ex:
Password: CraterZone Info@tech (Valid)
Password: CraterZone 2Info3tech (Valid)
Password: CraterZone Infotech (Invalid since it does not have any special symbol and does not have 2 digits also)
Password: Craterzone@ (Invalid since length of the password is not more than 10)
The answer to the question is available in the PDF file https://www.assignmentexpert.com/https://www.assignmentexpert.com/homework-answers/engineering-answer-48223.pdf
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