Assume that in the context of a production problem there are two products, P1 and P2 that are manufactured on three machines, M1, M2, and M3. Each product has to be processed on each of the three machines, but the order in which the products are processed on the machines is assumed to be immaterial. The two products sell for the (fixed) unit price of $12 and $27, respectively, while the capacities of the three machines are 15, 14, and 12 hours, respectively. Note that the capacities are expressed for the planning period, e.g., one day. It is important that all other capacity uses are then also expressed in the same units for the same planning period. The different capacities may result from different expected maintenance requirements. Now, 9 minutes is required to process one unit of unit of P1 on M1, 6 minutes to process one unit of P1 on M2, and 10 minutes to process one unit of P1 on M3. The corresponding data for P2 are 12, 14, and 18. Finally, it is required that at least 70
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