Consider a continuous wave (single tone)
transmitted waveform of carrier frequency . The signal impinges on a target, moving
with radial velocity , and returns to the radar. The resulting signal, after down-
conversion from an IQ quadrature receiver, is given by
In the above expression, is the strength of the returned signal, is the positive
Doppler shift due to the target’s radial motion and t is the slow time. The signal over
a duration of T is digitized with a sampling frequency . Process the signal using
Fourier transform to obtain the correct estimate of the target velocity. Use the
values in the table below.
S. No. Parameters Values
1 Carrier frequency ( 5 GHz
2 Sampling frequency (.) 500 Hz
3 Dwell time (T) 1 second
4 Target return strength () 1 Volt
5 Radial velocity (,) 3 m/s
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