Direct taxes are the mandatory non-refundable payments supposed to be payed by citizens and institutions to the government. They include income tax commonly known as pay as you earn(P.A.Y.E.), land rates among others.
Indirect taxes are payments made by consumers and are passed to them by sellers and made when purchasing a commodity.
All these payments lead to transferring of money from the public to the state accounts. As a result, the income made by individuals and businesses is reduced.
The money is then put together regardless of whether it was paid directly or indirectly and the total forms the government revenue. The revenue is used to service the country's budget.
Governments seek to implement subsidies to encourage production and consumption in specific industries.
Subsidies aid particular industries and therefore put the rest at a disadvantage. Subsidies result in market distortion affecting the market price and quantity.
Inflation will never peter out since it is part of the economic cycle.Efforts can be put into place to control it but not to completely avoid it.
Types of unemployment
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