An agent consumes quantity (x1,x2) of goods 1 and 2. Here is his utility function: 𝑈(𝑥1, 𝑥2) = 𝑥13 𝑥2, his budget constraint is: p1x1+p2x2=m.
(a) Calculate the agent’s Marshallian demand (x*1 , x*2 )
(b) Calculate the agent’s indirect utility function.
Utility function is "x_1^3x_2" with budget constraint "p_1x_1+p_2x_2=m"
At optimum, "\\frac{MU\n\nX_1}{\n\nMU\n\nX_2}\n\n\n\n=\\frac{p_1}{\n\np_2}"
a) Therefore,
"MUx_1=3x_1^2x_2\\\\MUx_2=x_1^3\\\\At\\space optimum,\\space \\frac{3x_1^2x_2}{x_1^3}=\\frac{p_1}{p_2}\u21d2\\frac{3x^2}{x_1}=\\frac{p_1}{p_2}\\\\\u21d2x_2=\\frac{p_1}{3p_2}x1"
Putting value of x2 in x1, we get
Therefore, the agent's Marshallian demand "(x1^*,x2^*)= (\\frac{3m}{4p_1},\\frac{m}{4p_2})"
b) Hence, indirect utility function is derived by putting x1* and x2* in utility function is
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