Solve the consumers optimization problem by maximizing subject to the budget constraint.
"P_x\\cdot X+P_y\\cdot\\ Y\\leq\\ m\\\\"
Then, lets use the langrange Theorem to rewrite the constrained optimization problem into a non constrained form,
"\\ Max\\ L(X, Y, \\lambda)={X^{0.5}}{Y^{0.5}}+ \\lambda(m-P_xX-P_yY"
The first order condition(necessary) will result in
"0.5XY^{0.5}=\\lambda\\ P_x......(i)\\\\\n0.5YX^{0.5}=\\lambda P_y.......(ii)"
Combining 1 and 2 will result in
"0.5P_yY=0.5P_xX\\\\\nx=\\frac{0.5m}{0.5+0.5P_x}\\implies is\\ the\\ demand\\ function"
Price elasticity
c)X is a normal good since it has a positive income elasticity of demand.
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