a) "\\bold {Answer}"
Supply is inelastic "(\\epsilon < 1)"
"\\bold {Explanation}"
Exquisite painting requires sophisticated raw materials and special conditions to produce it. It requires special conditions to be met. Therefore, supply is less responsive to a change in price as it takes time to adjust.
b)"\\bold {Answer}"
Demand is inelastic "(\\eta_d < 1)"
"\\bold {Explanation}"
Once a person is on cancer treatment, the cancer-treating drug becomes a necessity. The patient can no longer live without it. Also, the drug has no close substitutes. As a result, demand is less responsive to a price change.
c)"\\bold {Answer}"
Supply is inelastic "(\\epsilon < 1)"
"\\bold {Explanation}"
Production of gold is capital intensive and requires expensive raw materials. It takes time to adjust capacity to respond to a change in demand. Therefore, supply is inelastic.
d) "\\bold {Answer}"
Demand is elastic "(\\eta_d > 1)"
"\\bold {Explanation}"
Gold is a luxury good; one can live without gold. Also, for many products, gold has close substitutes due to advancement in technology. Thus, when price of gold increases, quantity demanded responds by more than proportionate.
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