Assume skilled TRNC citizens have a relatively easy access to the job markets in UK, EU, Australia and Canada, while the access of unskilled TRNC citizens to those markets is more limited and wages in those job markets are considerably higher compared with the wages in TRNC and Turkey. Also assume local market for unskilled labor is more competitive as a result of immigrants comming from Turkey and other developing countries to TRNC to work. How would these factors affect the value of education for TRNC citizens? Explain your answer.
Expert's answer
In this case the value of education for TRNC citizens will increase, because skilled workers will have more possibilities to find the job with higher salary.
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01.11.19, 16:26
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31.10.19, 21:24
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Dear tugce, If you have serious assignment that requires large amount of work and hence cannot be done for free you can submit it as assignment and our experts will surely assist you. Price depends on complexity of your assignments and deadline. Please submit your assignments to our control panel and you'll get price estimation. If you have further questions please feel free to ask them via (our support department) or use live chat on this website.
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