Prior to 2008, the Federal Reserve did not pay interest on reserves held by banks at the Federal Reserve. Many analysts argued that the requirement to hold reserves placed a tax on banks. How would you measure the tax?
- discount rate
- Fed funds rate (FFR)
- interest rate on excess reserves (IROER)
- the difference between the fed funds rate (FFR) and the interest rate on reserves (IOR)
Which of the following is correct? Select all that apply.
- The Board of Governors sets the interest rate on reserves.
- The federal funds market involves very short-term lending between banks.
- The current target for the fed funds rate is 0.0% to 0.25%.
- The interest rate on reserves (IOR) is 0.1%.
- The current discount rate at the Fed is 0.25%.
- The federal funds market involves lending between federal reserve banks.
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