1. The budget is balanced
2. The balance of payment is in equilibrium
3. The economy is at full employment level of income
4. There is no tendency of national income to change
B. In the simple Keynesian model with no government and external sector, if an increase in investment expenditure of 150 results in a final increase in income of 600, it follows that the marginal propensity to consume must be
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09.03.20, 15:38
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07.03.20, 00:01
What is the fundamental difference between-supported firm monopoly and
a monopoly that develops in the market?give references to current
situation in SA at eskom also list one advantage and one disadvantage
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Dear visitor, please use panel for submitting new questions
What is the fundamental difference between-supported firm monopoly and a monopoly that develops in the market?give references to current situation in SA at eskom also list one advantage and one disadvantage
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