Pure or perfect competition is a theoretical market structure in which the following criteria are met:
- All firms sell an identical product (the product is a "commodity" or "homogeneous").
- All firms are price takers (they cannot influence the market price of their product).
- Market share has no influence on prices.
- Buyers have complete or "perfect" information—in the past, present and future—about the product being sold and the prices charged by each firm.
- Resources for such a labor are perfectly mobile.
- Firms can enter or exit the market without cost.
- A large number of buyers and sellers
- Perfect information
- Homogeneous products
- Well defined property rights
- No barriers to entry or exit
- Every participant is a price taker
- Perfect factor mobility
- Profit maximization of sellers
- Rational buyers
- No externalities
- Zero transaction costs
- Non-increasing returns to scale and no network effects
- Anti-competitive regulation
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