Fill-in the appropriateTransactionSlip for the followingTransactions:
A. OnSeptember 30, 2021, theAccountant of JA ComputerCenter wasRequired toDeposit theFollowing toSafeGuardBankingCorp for their savings account no. 00542992473888. Prepare deposit slips for the following:
1. Cash of 500Denomination amounting to 100,000 from sale of gadgets and accessories.
2. Cash of 100 denominationAmounting to 5,000 from cash on hand.
3. A localCheck from ProducersBank No. 5432 amounting to 30,000 as collection from a customer on previous sale.
4. A localCheck from PNB No. 98765 to 50,000 from sale of computer items.
B. The accountant of JA Computer Center went to Safe Guard Banking Corp on October 12, 2021 to withdraw cash for its business operations amounting to 50,000 from its savings account no. 00542992473888. This amount is intended for the following:
1. Payment of bankLoan amounting to 25,000
2. PaymentOfSupplies amounting to 5,000
3. PurchaseOfMerchandise amounting to 20,000.
Transaction slip for part A will be as follows;
Transaction slip for part B will be as follows;
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