Dec. 18 Miss Ryce paid her cashier a cheque of $15,000 for her fortnightly salary.
Dec. 19 One of the Kera Care Kit was returned by Miss Sonia Jarrett.
Dec. 20 Miss Sonia Jarrett paid the balance outstanding on her account by cheque,
receiving a discount of 5%.
Dec. 22 Miss Ryce paid cash for the following utility bills for the month:
Utility Company Amount
Light Company $13,000
National Water Company $2,350
Telecommunications Company $5,300
Dec. 22 Miss Ryce also paid cheque for security fees for the month totaling $23,000.
Dec. 25 During the period Dec. 17 – Dec. 25, Miss Ryce sold merchandise for
cash totalling $380,000.
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