Q. The following information relates to Country Sports Club for the year ended 31.3.2020. You are
required to prepare the Receipts and Payment Account for the year ended 31.3.2020 and Balance Sheet
as on that date.
Expenditure Amount in
Income Amount in
To Salaries 3,36,000 By Subscriptions 8,40,000
To Repairs and Maintenance 88,000 By Receipts from Annual
Sports 3,25,000
Less Expenses for
Sports (2,75,000) 50,000
To Ground Upkeep 1,66,500
To Electricity charges 82,600
To Sports Materials used 1,48,000
To Printing and Stationery 42,200 By entrance fees 1,80,000
To Groundsman Wages 80,000 By interest on 10% Govt.
To Depreciation 1,36,000 By Rent on Hire of Club
To Prizes Distributed
(Net of Fund Income) 4,000
By Profit on Sale of Sports
Materials 10,500
By Sale of old Newspaper 3,500
To Surplus Carried to Capital
Fund 96,700
Grand Total 11,80,000 11,80,000
Additional Information:
Particulars Balances as on
Balances as on
Fixed Assets (Net Block) 6,36,000 7,20,000
Stock of Sports Materials 1,24,000 1,38,000
Investments in 10% Govt. Bonds 1,20,000 1,20,000
Subscriptions Received in Advance 64,000 72,000
Outstanding Subscriptions 1,24,000 88,000
Outstanding Repairs Expenses 13,500 24,500
Creditors for Sports Materials 78,600 62,500
Salary paid in Advance 32,000 28,000
Prize Fund 2,40,000 2,40,000
Prize Fund Investments 2,36,000 2,36,000
Bank Balance 54,500 ?
(b) During the year, the club purchased Sports Materials of Rs. 1,80,000 out of which 75% was
Credit Purchase.
(c) 25% of the entrance fees is to be capitalized.
(d) Interest on Govt. Bond is received half yearly on 30th June and 31st Dec. each year.
(e) Prize fund income earned during the year Rs. 36,000 and Prizes distributed during the year
Rs. 40,000.
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