Mist (pty) Ltd is a company with a reporting period of 30 june. Currently the company's accountant is preparing the financial statements for the year ending 30 june 2019. Mist (pty) Ltd operates from a building it is leasing from a property developer. Mist (Pty) Ltd occupied the building on 1 july 2016 and pays monthly rental. The monthly rentals as from 1 july 2017 are R14 000 and there is an 10% annual increase .the lease agreement is for 4 years.
1. Provide necessary journal entries for the reporting of 30 june 2019.
the amount of rent per month:
taking into account the 10% growth of the annual
necessary journal entries:
attribution of the monthly rental amount to expenses:
Debit expense account credit lessor's account
Payment for rent:
Debit lessor's account credit current account
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