Which of the following statements is false regarding an employee's contribution into a 401(k) tax deferred retirement account?
a.The employee's contributions are not subject to FICA tax.
b.Upon retirement, the employee will receive their contributions back in the form of regular payments.
c.None of these statements are correct.
Expert's answer
The correct answer is b, the reason being that the employee can withdraw the entire account in one lump sum. However, by doing this, the employee will face a high tax bracket for the year.
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23.04.20, 18:42
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22.04.20, 18:39
1.Determine the income tax to withhold from the biweekly wages of the
following employees (wage-bracket) Karen Overton (single, 0
allowances), $900 wages Alan Glasgow (married, 1 allowance), $980
wages Ginni Lorenz (single, 1 allowance), $580 wages (biweekly
withholding allowance = $161.50) Tax table link below
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Dear visitor, please use panel for submitting new questions
1.Determine the income tax to withhold from the biweekly wages of the following employees (wage-bracket) Karen Overton (single, 0 allowances), $900 wages Alan Glasgow (married, 1 allowance), $980 wages Ginni Lorenz (single, 1 allowance), $580 wages (biweekly withholding allowance = $161.50) Tax table link below https://cxp.cengage.com/contentservice/assets/T=1587480948747/btpa20t/images/chapter04/Exhibit_4-1.html
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