Define the following:
i) Hill reaction
ii) Accessory pigments
iii) Photochemical reaction centre
iv) Funneling effect
v) Reductive pentose cycle
Expert's answer
i) Hill reaction is the light-driven transfer of electrons from water to Hill reagents (non-physiological oxidants) against a chemical potential gradient. ii) Accessory pigments are light-absorbing compounds found in photosynthetic organisms, that work in conjunction with chlorophyll a. iii) Photochemical reaction centre is a complex of several proteins, pigments and other co-factors that together execute the primary energy conversion reactions of photosynthesis. iv) Funneling effect represents a large number of biological and genetic pathways that lead to a sceletal structure that is more susceptible to fracturing. v) Reductive pentose cycle is the main biochemical pathway for conversion atmospheric CO2 to organic compounds.
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