a) Michaelis-Menten equation is the rate equation that models the kinetics of enzymatic reaction. The equation describes the rate of reaction depending on the substrate concentration. The reactin can be written as:
V = Vmax × [S] / (Km + S),
where V - the initial reaction rate, Vmax - the maximum reaction rate, [S] - the substrate concentration, Km - Michaelis constant.
Michaelis constant (Km) equals the substrate concentration when the reaction velocity equals half Vmax. Vmax is the reaction velocity when the enzyme is saturated with the substrate. Km and Vmax are enzyme-specific parameters.
b) Macrominerals comprise elements with the daily required dose of >100 mg. These elements include sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, chloride, and sulfur. Trace elements include minerals with the daily required dose of <100 mg. These elements involve iron, copper, manganese, iodine, cobalt, zinc, fluoride, and selenium. The main function of iron is the binding and transportation of oxygen (O2), whereas fluoride is a component of bones and tooth enamel.
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